28.04.2008 00:27 christian tremblay (quebec)
can i go to usa take the car and drive it to canada ? and pass the provincial inspection ? Admin:We advise you to find it out with the local transport department!
23.04.2008 10:52 Mohamed Salem Mohamed Sulimans
Can I pay you in Euro. please?
What I mean is that you have account in Euro. not in Usdlrs. and you issue your invoices to me in Euro. also. Admin:Hello! we accept payment only in us$!
19.04.2008 20:46 serhatkaki
can you ship it to turkey ? Can you ship only one vehicle turkey ?
Admin:Hello! At the moment we do not ship to turkey!
17.04.2008 10:23 fonz
i want to by 1 car how must i pay do i have waranty to get my car in the netherlands
ho long it takes to the netherlands Admin:Hello!we will be able to transport it to Netherlands only in a 20 ft container.The container goes to Netherlands about 5 weeks.
15.04.2008 02:21 H. Siegers
Looking at car no. 8849468 Subaru Baja 2003. How much money would it take to buy a car like that &ship it to Australia?
We don't have Baja's here, but plenty of station wagons so front parts should be readily available here.
Thanks for the info
Hans Siegers Admin:Hello!It is impossible to predict the price!As for shipping, currently we do not ship to Australia.
12.04.2008 07:55 Paul (Belgium)
There is no bank in my country that can guarantee me a flash wire transfer to the US within 5 working days. How can fellow countrymen pay the full amount within two days?? Admin:In such cases we advise our client to send us by fax or email the confirmation of payment!
09.04.2008 12:15 Ramo rin
hello, since you don't ship to Cambodia,is it possible that i use APL transport company to ship cars from your company?
Admin:Hello!PLease, explain what do you mean?
08.04.2008 03:48 ramo rin
do you ship cars to Cambodia? Admin:Hello!Sorry, we do not ship to Cambodia!
07.04.2008 23:04 Elias (peru)
saludos, si yo quiero comprar 4 vehiculos (1 contenedor)tengo q hacer el deposito de 00 por vehiculo?,para comprar en copart e iaai, solo es atravez de ustedes??, que necesito para ser un representante de su empresa en mi pais?. gracias por su respuesta. Admin:Hola!Para ser nuestro representante, primeramente hay que ser nuestro cliente!Lo del deposito, Ud tiene que depositar 2000$.Este deposito se queda con nosotros, hasta que Ud termine de comprar vehiculos.Se puede comparar directamente de la subasta.Toda la informacion necesaria esta aqui:http://www.easyexport.us/
07.04.2008 03:42 Aldo
Hola...si yo subasto un carro, mi maxima oferta es 00, pero los otros participantes en la subasta, solo ofrecen hasta 00, obviamente yo gane, pero cuanto pago? 50 o los 00 que fue lo maximo que estaba dispuesto a pagar?...Gracias Admin:Hola! En este caso Ud paga lo maximo que ha propuesto.