08.05.2009 20:52 said (00218213210035)
i need to buy acar is jeep twoweele drive mod2006 fromflorida and the calur as silver Admin:Hello!You need to sign up a contract http://www.crashescars.com/eng/senddoc , make the downpayment to buy a particular car.
03.05.2009 19:48 George (+995999999)
hello, with the help of this site i used to see iaa- auction cars but now it's unavaible and could you tell me how can i see iaa-bid auction cars without logging in? Admin:Hello!We have now only copart cars available.You can get a guest account to see the IAAI cars.
01.05.2009 10:43 George (272727)
with the help of this site i used to enter and see iaa auction cars but now there isno second auction house and why? or is there any alternative site to see iaa cars without log in? Admin:Hello!At crashescars.com web site now there is only First auction house.
29.04.2009 14:01 Mckin St.Hilaire (17587145883)
hello, can i get a vehicle shipped to a port in miami or any port i choose? Admin:Hello!We can transport the car to any port that you choose, but we will not be able to ship it for you, as we ship from Newark, NJ only.
28.04.2009 20:56 Ana Bianca Marin (901509133151)
I am thinking about shipping my car from the NY, USA to Dubai, UAE.
I own a 94 Jeep Cherokee Sport, 2 doors, with extra suspension, 32" tires and a cage roof rack. The car is probably not worth more the USD 3000, but I still would like to have it here.
Could you give me an estimate quote and let me know what legal steps I have to go through to bring the car over.
Thank yo in advance for your time.
Ana Bianca Admin:Hello! We offer shipping services.We can pick up the car from where it is, deliver it to our warehouse in newark, Nj(port of loading)-the cost is about 190$. The shipping price from newark, Nj to Dubai, UAE is 2250$(loading included, the price is for shipping 1 car in a 20 ft container)+25$ for the documents processing.We Do the custom clearance in the USA only.All the details about the custom clearance in the Emirates you have to find them out in your country, we do not do that. The only document that we need from you is the original title, not the copy!!!
21.04.2009 15:52 abubaker (00218925590466)
Good evening, I want to ask Can you buy me a car it can be delivered to my country, Libya and the price agreed and Ada are the guarantees it offers to you ready Admin:Hello!We offer buying and shipping services.You will receive contracts with our company for buying and shipping.
21.04.2009 15:39 abubaker (00218925590466)
Good evening to the question Can you buy me a car and whether there are expenses other than transportation and expenses have been agreed and the parents put the price it could guarantee the delivery of cars to Libya Admin:Hello!Yes, we can buy cars for you. The deposit of not less than 1000$ is required.Apart from the car price there will be transportation, shipping, commision and documents processing fees.We garanty the delivery of cars to Libya.
20.04.2009 03:51 fernando kuscevic (591-70899481)
hi im from south america, i want to know if i can have a better damage report from this car 9917859( i mean if the engine was crashed)
thaks Admin:Hello!To get more information about the lot, you can order an appraisal service with our partner www.autoinspect.us
16.04.2009 20:39 APOPAKER (00218925590466)
I want to ask you sold the car model 2009/10052939type Toyota Camry Admin:Hello!This lot has already been sold.
10.04.2009 21:38 Mark (001161417222481)
I am from Australia and would like to participate in an auction, what do I need to do to participate??? Admin:Hello!You need to sign a contract and make a prepayment for the possibility to participate in the auction (1.000 USD or 20% from the estimated price that you would pay for the item, depending what is more).