10.08.2010 12:08 Vucurovic Radomir (+381654513847)
Dear Mr-Mrs,
I have a few questions. First, i am interested for buying larger number of vehicles. If I participate in few auctions (example five-ten) do I must pay deposit for each car? Next question is connected to the load of the containers. How many motorcycles, for example SUZUKI GSX R-1000 can be loaded in 20 feet and 40 feet container? Admin:Thanks for your question. We may load 20 bikes in a 20ft container and 40 bikes in a 40ft one.
If you want to buy many bikes then you may just send us 00 deposit that we may use a part of payment for each bike.
If you have any further questions feel free to call us at 910-561-0074
07.08.2010 10:05 martin uy (+85590778008)
i would like to start my small business with import car to cambodia. Admin:We will be happy to help you in doing this. Please call us +1-910-561-0074 to discuss details or skype contact50.bidux.com or email contact5@bidux.com
05.08.2010 21:32 Pater Pater (07405879959)
Dear Sir/ Madame,
I want to buy this car 17143080 but I don't know how I do it also can I buy it now with out auction.
Thanks Admin:There is no way to buy it without going to the auction. Please read our section "how to order a car" to see what you need to do to bid.
02.08.2010 19:03 al qasim al obaidi (0786667018)
dear sir
i want to ask about the cars that was sale from toyota campry 2009-2011 , how mach it was sale , thanks Admin:You may check selling prices at following website:
just sign in using following details:
login: onliner
pass: bidux.com
Then select copart sold cars, put make and model and you will get the list of prices.
27.07.2010 19:31 Norbert Williams (233208521102)
dear sir, i want to know if a friend of my can the payment on for the bike but will pay by cash abstractly to the seller of the bike and then he will ship the bike with is own shipping company.
thank you.
hope to here from you soon Admin:He may send us the payment, we will make gate pass under his name so he could pick it up with his shipping company.
23.07.2010 01:32 Mushtaq Ahmad Jan (00971 50 1442967)
What time the bid close? is it New yark Time? Admin:Yes, this is EDT (NY, NJ, PA, MD etc)
19.07.2010 22:05 anees islam (0506862458)
am in uae. plz give a proces tu buy and payment? Admin:You need to fill in a form on the link below. http://www.crashescars.com/eng/senddoc Once you have done that we will send you contract with our bank info. Please send us 00 security deposit and we will email you login and password so you could start bidding. If you win the vehicle your deposit will be used as a part of payment if not - we will send it back to you without any deductions.
13.07.2010 10:12 bojan pavokovic (00386-40 555 911)
I would like to register Admin:You need to fill in a form on the link below. http://www.crashescars.com/eng/senddoc Once you have done that we will send you contract with our bank info. Please send us 00 security deposit and we will email you login and password so you could start bidding. If you win the vehicle your deposit will be used as a part of payment if not - we will send it back to you without any deductions.
08.07.2010 12:00 vlad (+77771964567)
Hi,do you have all electrical wiring for Audi A6 2000, 2.8
Actually I need only one peace which was burned,but I can't explain right now exactly which one Admin:Unfortunately we do not sell any parts, only entire vehicles.
14.06.2010 14:41 okenyeka jane (+2348033902521)
I want to order a car nd dnt knw the procedures.would you be able 2 send me details on how to buy a car Admin:You need to fill in a form on the link below. http://www.crashescars.com/eng/senddoc Once you have done that we will send you contract with our bank info. Please send us 00 security deposit and we will email you login and password so you could start bidding. If you win the vehicle your deposit will be used as a part of payment if not - we will send it back to you without any deductions.