01.09.2006 14:00 Sha
I want to now following thing:
1:can u able to ship my container from Honalulu to Dubai at wat cast?
2: I wnat to make contarct that what ever my container supposed to ship from USA to Dubai through your company do u do that, price plz?
3: If i want that your company collect all my purchased care from auctions from allover USA & ship it to me in Dubai, what will be the scenario?
4: What about necessary spare parts of auction purchased care if i need can you ship these parts by putting them in side purchased care in container?
Regards Admin:Hello. Thank you for your interest.
1. We can ship a container for Newark, Chicago, Miami to UAE, Dubai, no problem. The shippin price for 40 feet from newark, NJ is 2900US$, form Miami, FL is 3300 US$.
2. On this page you can receive a contract http://www.crashescars.com/eng/how
3. We have a warehouses in Chicago, Newark, Miaimi and we can pick up your vehicles form any facility, you only should make an order on our site.
4. We can ship parts together with a car in the same container.
If you have a question, please, contact us.
Have a nice day.
01.09.2006 12:04 fakih (sans)
j²ai vu deux annonce qui mon interese dans votre site donc je volais avoir un peu plus de information sur les deux voiture....
2)CAR No..4245126 HUMMER H2 2004
ET SI LA VOITURE A UN PROLEM MECANIQUE OU BIEN D²AUTRE ? Admin:Nous ne pouvons pas Vous indiquer le prix exact, car les voitures sont vendues aux encheres.
25.08.2006 08:36 tunji Martins (USA)
i will like to know your charges if i buy a car through you. eg any adminstrative charges Admin:to know our charges please read our homepage www.usaauto24.com tel.: +49-176-282-14-465 English & Deutsch & Russian
24.08.2006 18:32 Ben
I would like to buy a car and send it to Jordan POrt: Aqaba, i will make this purchase from canada i would like to register and pay my downpayment who do i go to to do that ? do you have someone in canada that i can pay the downpayment to ? do i contact you directly in the US ? and what is the contact numbers.
THankyou Ben Admin:1.The transportcost to Aqaba (Jordan) are 3420 USD for 40 feet container (3 cars), register and pay you can per internet. 2. No. 3. our company is in Germany. tel.: +49-176-282-14-465 English & Deutsch & Russian
23.08.2006 05:07 Hans (www.sallandtwinmotoren.nl)
Could you tell me what the total cost are for shipping a motorcycle to Germany ?
What are the total costs for buying a motorcycle ?
Thanks for your reply.
Hans de Jong
Tel: 0031 6 48939216
Holland Admin:Transportcosts to Bremerhafen (Germany) are 750 USD, The total costs are: the price of the motorcycle + transportcosts over the USA + transportcosts from the USA to Bremerhafen. tel.: +49-176-282-14-465 English & Deutsch & Russian
22.08.2006 14:44 Sergiu
After I pay you 1000$ and make a bet what happens if I don’t win the action?Can I make another bet for othercar? Also the invoice of the car includes the transportation costs?
Best regards,
Admin:1. If you do not win the auction, we will transfer your money back to your account, but you can also bid for another car. 2. No
Best regards
22.08.2006 03:56 Mike (PA)
Hello, i would like to now how i can deliver two cars in one contener from USA to Tajikistan? Send me price list please.
Good luck. Admin:Hello Thank you for your interest. At the moment we can ship 2 cars to Uzbekistan,Tashkent, one car is 2150 US$ or to Georgia, Poti, one car is 950 US$. Also we can pick up your vehicle from auction and ship it to our warehouse, no problem. The shipping price depends on the distance, I need info to give you price. I wait for your reply. Have a nice day.
22.08.2006 01:54 sam hughes
I need a 1998 Isuzu rodeo for parts. help
Admin:Please look at these offers: http://www.usaauto24.com/auto_de/search/?mode=list1&makename=Isuzu&type=V&make=75&model=RODEO&year1=1998&year2=1998&zipcode=07114.
Best regards.
21.08.2006 03:42 Sam
Since you don't ship to Canada Would I be able to arraange my own shipping and bring it to Canada my self. Admin:Yes. tel.: +49-176-282-14-465 English & Deutsch & Russian
17.08.2006 05:35 Alex
Hallo, ich würde gerne Autos bei ihnen kaufen. Ich hab schon zwei mal das formular ausgefühl und abgeschickt. aber ich hab keine antwort erhalten ich denke ich hab es falsch ausgefühlt, da ich nicht so gut englisch verstehe. wäre es vielleicht möglich das sie mir das formular auf russisch oder Deutsch zusenden können. Damit ich bei ihnen möglichst viele autos kaufen kann??? Admin:Hier können Sie das Formular auf Russisch ausfüllen: http://www.usaauto24.com/auto_rus/senddoc tel.: +49-176-282-14-465 English & Deutsch & Russian